Friday, 14 August 2009

How To Get The Most From Your Online Articles

Maximize your earning potential by being proactive with your article marketing and really make money by writing articles online.

If you really want to make money by writing articles then it is important that you get the most out of your articles.
If, like me, you spend a lot of time writing articles to make money online, then you want to make sure that your articles are achieving their maximum potential.
You could write thousands of perfect articles, informative, beautifully presented, keyword optimized, with irresistible titles that draw in the masses, receive lot's of complimentary comments and get the top ratings, yet still not manage to earn a single penny from your article writing. You have done absolutely everything right but somehow fell at the final hurdle.
When writing articles to be submitted to article websites, sign up to several in order to see which are the best places to display your work. Experiment by moving your articles around. If you have some articles which are earning you nothing then try deleting them and submitting them to another site instead. Consider how you make money from each site. - Is it from associated ads or do you earn from page views? Where are your articles more successful?
I have had articles on, which are clearly being read, receiving over 100 views in less than a week, but because that website only pays me for clicks on associated ads, my articles have earned nothing. Not a single bean! The only winner in that situation is the website's owners who are getting free fresh content from me, driving up their rankings and website traffic. If the same articles had been placed on a site that pays for the number of page views my articles had generated, such as Associated Content, I would have received $1.50 for every 1000 page views. Whilst that might not sound like a lot, so long as your articles are of good quality they will be given longevity on the site and will continue to earn over time. Once you have built up a large portfolio of articles they will all be producing a little trickle simultaneously so your earnings will grow. If you are a US citizen you can also earn from upfront payments for many articles with Associated Content - As I am in the UK I, unfortunately can not (tax reasons).
I have removed my articles from Article income and have started submitting them to Associated Content. The first article published has earned a few cents after a couple of days.
If you have your own website or blog, consider also how much juice your article submission sites are giving you in traffic for your site or search engine optimization. Can you put links to your own website in your articles and if so are they "do-follow" or "no-follow"? A no-follow link will lead anyone clicking on it to your website but it won't be followed by search engine robots or spiders and therefore is of no value for increasing your website's rankings. If your articles aren't making hard cash on one website, you may still be happy to leave it there if it is earning by way of backlinks to your site. Associated Content allow all your links, just limiting you to 4 per article, which I think is reasonable. Article Income do not allow links at all. I therefore now give that site the thumbs down.

Remember once you have submitted your articles, do not neglect them. They are still your articles to do with as you please. (So long as you haven't accepted upfront payments, of course). Move them around for maximum earning potential. If a site isn't working for you, try another - there are plenty out there to choose from.
So get your articles working for you. That is how to really make money from writing articles online.
I will keep you informed of sites which earn and sites that do not. As yet I only recommend Associated Content. Click the link to join:

As ever good luck in your quest to make money by writing online.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

How To Tell Which Articles Will Get The Most Traffic

One of the most widely used methods of making money by writing online is writing articles. But which articles prove to be the most popular?

Well there is a very simple rule. No matter if you are writing about fly fishing or chicken curry, if you want your article to be successful in attracting readers, which of course you do if you are planning on making money by writing, then the best thing to do is give people information. -and TELL them that is what you are doing. Articles with titles such as "How to be successful with fly-fishing" or "Tips for Making A Perfect Chicken Curry" will always bring in the readers. We are suckers for it! The two most powerful tags in the English language "Tips" and "How to".
Of course, once you have attracted your readers you had better damn well deliver on your promise or you will soon get a poor reputation. Remember your readers can rate or comment on your article and these comments and high ratings will give your article more impetus. If people like one of your articles they will most likely want to read your others. This in turn will bring them flocking to your website for your pearls of wisdom. Ultimately that is the most important aim - bringing traffic to your own website is how you will sell your products, or make money from associated ads.

Thank you for reading my blog. Check back again soon for more tips on how to make money writing online.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

SEO Get traffic To Your Site Using Backlinks

If you want to make money by writing on your own website or blog then getting traffic to your site is extremely important. To do this you need to get your site noticed and highly ranked by search engines. This is what is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. There are several factors involved in SEO but here we will discuss backlinks.

A backlink is simply a link to your site placed on another site. Generally speaking, your website will be considered more important by search engines if there are lots of other websites pointing to it. The more important they think you are in your niche, the higher ranking you will get. Ranking = traffic = money.

Relevance Only put backlinks to your site on other sites that have a similar or relevant content to your site. Previously, it was purely about the quantity of links but these days search engines like google can punish you for having irrelevant links and will downgrade your site and rank it lower. So if your site is all about how to make money by writing online there is no value in having links from sites about caravan holidays or gardening.

Direction Having other websites linking to your website is far more beneficial than having your site pointing them. You will also be penilised if you are pointing at each other. This used to be a good thing but the huge growth in reciprical link websites exploiting that fact led search engine boffins thinking again. It is thought though, that there is no harm in having a reasonable number of links from your site to other relevant ones because this reinforces your content niche, but do try to have as many relevant sites as possible linking to your site only.

Nofollow Watch out for websites which allow you to place a link but have a nofollow attribute attached to it. Whilst a link that is nofollow will still get people to your website, should they click on it, it won't be followed by any search engine crawling the original site. That means, as far as SEO is concerned, the link is of no value to you whatsoever. So, if you are writing articles for another website in order to make money by writing online with the hope of adding a backlink in the text, it is wise to check it isn't nofollow. To check whether a link is nofollow or not, you can simply right click on a blank part of the page and click "view source". This will show you the html code for that webpage. Scroll down to find your link and see if it states "nofollow".

Associated content is one of the article submission sites I have signed up for to make money writing online articles. They pay $1.50 for every 1000 page views you generate from your articles. They will allow you to add links to your articles but, it is worth noting, that if you add links using their add-link tab on the article submission box, it will result in a no follow link.
However, it is possible to add a link manually in order to avoid this. Once you have pasted your article into the text body box just click on the "source" button at the top of the box. This will show your article in html code. Just scroll to the part of your article you wish to add your link and type in the code. You will get the option to preview your article so you can check it works correctly. In any case, you should always view your article when published and check that the links works. You always have the opportunity of editing all your articles after they are published.

Link code Adding a simple link is very straightforward. Here I will show you how to add a link.
Lets say my article has the following sentence;
Here are some top tips for maximizing your potential for making money by writing online for article submission websites.
I could add a link to this blog behind the words "make money by writing"
to do this I would type the following code but substituting * with the letter a and removing the 8 (I had to make these changes so you could see the code!!

<* href="">make money by writing <8/*>

the simple formula is therefore;

<* href="http://link url here">words on display<8/*>

The final sentence should look like this:

Here are some top tips for maximizing your potential for
making money by writing online for article submission websites.

SIMPLE, as I always say... "If I can do it, an idiot can do it!"

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Do You Want To Write A Children's Book

Ever thought about writing a children's book. I know I have. I'm considering adapting my Benson Blogs to target children in some way.

A childrens book could be your answer to making money by writing. How about bedtime stories or fairytales?

A child's book can be short, it can be repetitive, it can be written in rhyme or in clear simple prose. You could write a series. Look at the success of Mr Men books!
Well YOU can write a childrens book...and it's possible to do it....
... in just 14 DAYS
Imagine strolling into your local bookstore, and seeing your children's classic lining the shelves. Your pride is bulging. And so is your bank balance.

There's a SECRET step-by-step system for writing your children's classic in absolute record time. It's a system that has been refined by many leading authors - and Mel McIntyre wants to share it with you.
Mel has created a website where he shares EVERYTHING you need to know.
I've managed to secure a $10 discount for my readers but you must purchase via the link in the my links section on the right.
See the banner add for full more details but remember use my link if you want to make a purchase to get your discount.

Top Tips on How to Make Money Writing Articles Online

Learn how to increase your earning potential when writing articles to make money online. Learn why some articles are more successful than others at getting traffic.

There are lots of opportunities to make money by writing articles online these days. Lets look at how you can go about making money by getting your articles published on other websites. You could simply have your own website or blog but there are many websites out there that will publish your work for free. You just need to register. These websites are hungry for as much content input as they can get because they themselves make money by getting traffic to their sites. -So you don't have to have a master’s degree or be a top author to make money writing articles- you simply need something interesting to write about that Joe public will want to read.
Some sites you may wish to consider registering with are:,, and as well as
With some sites, like Associatedcontent, you make money by writing articles, having them published and getting paid for the number of views your page generates. With others, such as Articleincome you make money from the number of times the associated ads get clicked on.
The most widely used ad generator is Google Adsense. You will need to sign up with Google Adsense and get an account number from them so that you can make money writing articles online.

If you really want to make money writing articles online there are several things you need to consider. Online writing is not as straight forward as writing for newspapers or magazines. When you are writing articles online you also need to market your article to attract your audience at the same time. Here are some top tips for getting the most from your articles…

1. Finding A Profitable Subject Firstly decide what you are going to write your article about. Whilst it is important that you write about what you know and can be informative on, it is vital when writing articles to make money that your subject matter has a market. If no one is interested in reading your article in the first place you won't make any money.

2. The Importance of Keywords and Phrases Once you have your subject you want to make sure your article will receive maximum exposure. If you are writing about how to make money online by writing articles make sure that you use the keywords "how to make money online by writing articles" often throughout your article. This will ensure that when search engines crawl your article they will pick up on your keywords and know what your article is about. Then when anyone around the world does a search on your keywords they are more likely to find your article. Similarly, Google Adsense will be more likely to display relevant ads next to your article if it is keyword rich. This, in turn, means your readers are more likely to click on the ads - remember Google Adsense works by paying you for the number of clicks on the ads, not just the sales generated. When choosing your keywords always select the most common words or phrases. For example "tips" is better than "advice" and "how to make money writing" is better than "successful freelance journalism". Try to use your keywords in the first sentence of your article and the last.

3. Bullet Points and Headings Set out your key points in lists. Lists make your work a lot more user friendly and easier to follow. Give each point a subheading and try to use your keywords where possible. Put the heading in bold because putting some keywords in bold will also help with search engine optimization. (SEO)

4. Editing Once you have completed your article read it back through and make sure it is informative and reads well. Always use a spell checker to check both your spelling and your grammar. Ensure your article is easy to understand and flows well and make sure you have maximized your keywords.

5. Title Maximization Put some thought into choosing your title. Once you have written and edited your article it is most important to give it the best possible title. To maximize your chances of making money from your article you need to get people to read it. The title must therefore grab their attention as well as tell them what your article is about. But most important of all it - INCLUDE THOSE KEYWORDS. This article could have been entitled "Writing Articles Online" but that wouldn't have been nearly as effective as "Top Tips on How to Make Money Writing Articles Online".

6. Fresh Content Never copy and paste from other sites. As well as potential copyright problems, search engines will mark you down for identical content. If you want to submit the same article to different sites then rewrite it. Add some different content and change the words. That way your articles will receive maximum exposure from search engines and you will be more likely to make money from writing your articles.

7. Use Backlinks If you have a website or blog that you want to get traffic to then when ever possible you should try to put a link on other sites back to your own. Only use sites that are in a similar category to your own - relevance is key. If your site is about making money by writing don't work too hard getting links from fishing sites! It is also important that the links are only one way, that is to say, don't have a link on your own site that links to the sites where you have placed your links. Not all article sites let you put a link in your articles but many do. Although beware of sites using "no follow" linking. Associated content allows you to add links to your article but if you use their link generator it will be made "no follow", so always ad your links using html. Although people clicking on a no follow link will be directed to your site, search engines crawling the site won't follow the link to your site. Another way of acheiving backlinks is to comment on blogs that have similar content to your site. You will usually have the opportunity to attach your own URL when commenting.

I hope you have found these top tips on how to make money writing articles online informative. Please help me by clicking one of my Google Adsense ads that is of interest to you. (Yes, I know -Cheeky!) Good Luck with your making money writing articles online.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Read, read, read, learn and comment to make money writing

Today I have spent my time reading - research, if you will. I have been serfing the web looking to see what other people do to make money fron writing. I have read lots of blogs on various topics to check at other people's styles of writing and to see what I can learn from them. It's a great way of picking up ideas.
I have also learnt that submiting comments on other peoples blogs has benefits too. It is a great way to help bring traffic to your own website or blog. When you leave a comment you have the opportunity to submit your own URL, so there is a link back to your site. If you do this on sites which have the same topic as your own then their readers are also likely to be interested in your site content. So I shall have to set to work seeking out other sites about freelance writing or making money from writing on the internet and then hopefully they may come and take a peek at my fledgling blog. Traffic is king - traffic = money

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Make money by writing

Today I am moving this blog to a different address more relevant to my subject matter. See you there

Use keywords in your blog URL

Today I have moved my blog to this new, more appropriate web address. It was previously at The title is now relevant to what my blog is all about at so, in theory it is more likely to draw traffic - yeah right! One can dream. You know they say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness - I wonder if that applies to blogging to one's self too!
Seriously though I have read that having keywords in the title of your blog or website makes it more search engine friendly and therefore is vital for generating traffic.
I am continuing with my Benson Blogs on the Articleincome site. The site - or at least my articles don't seem to get much traffic, just a trickle so I can't see the ads next to them getting much attention. Still, early days yet and as I previously mentioned the key there is finding a topic that will prove popular. I notice too that there are some similar sites that allow you to submit other formats such as video or sound files. I read about this one guy who travelled the world and filmed himself in front of well known landmarks doing a silly dance. He got loads of followers from it and eventually managed to fund his travels that way. Superb idea!

Sign up to other websites For Networking

Friday, 31 July 2009

In order to generate some interest in your own blog or website get yourself noticed on other sites. You can become a poster on forums, place comments on other sites as well as writing and submitting articles on article websites. The more articles you have on other sites, the more you will make a name for yourself and create interest. But make sure what you post elsewhere is of good quality! If people are impressed with your articles, they are more likely to be interested in what else you have to say and will follow the links back to your site. However, if they think your articles are rubbish the will automatically assume that your website will be too and won't come to visit.

Persistence and quantity required to make money from writing

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Keeping at it
Today's progress was just writing another couple of articles for I have written the second of my Benson Blogs which can be seen at and an article on each way betting on horse racing which is one of my hobbies. That can be found on figure I will need to write reams of articles for the articleincome site in order to make money from writing that way. Time will tell - perhaps after three months and many hours of toilling away I might make 10p!Creative writing is hard work it is time consuming and I think in order to make money out of being a freelance writer of any kind will prove quite difficult. Hopefully the more I do the easier it will become and the quicker it will become too.It is very strange too writing on this blog when at this stage I know that there isn't anybody reading it and I will need to have written reams and reams on the subject of freelance writing before it is likely to register on any search engine. Only then would budding freelance writers have any way of finding this blog - even assuming they would be interested in reading it.A few sites I have come across whilst surfing the web you might find useful are;

Benson blogs - Make money from article writing sites

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Benson Blogs
Ok I had an idea for an article which I can add to on a daily basis- So it will give me an easy way to write several articles in succession. It's another blog but from the point of view of a cat called Benson. It's called Benson Blogs and is one of 's partner websites . This will aid in my make money from writing project by getting me some associated ads from google adsense.
In order to get the maximum amount from generated revenue on these sites you have to earn points by writing lots of individual articles. Whilst Benson Blogs won't be a hot topic it will help in that sense.
Meanwhile I will have to rack my brain cell to see if I can come up with a topic that will generate a lot of traffic and be timeless.

Make Money by writing articles for websites

I haven't got too much further with my make money from writing project today. I have been doing my day job today which was a twelve hour shift so no time for anything else. It's been an extremely rainy day here in Cheltenham so I guess I haven't missed much. I have had my google adsense account approved so that should start producing some relevant ads on this blog but probably more importantly it means I now have an adsense account number that I can use on other participating sites that I can write articles for. They show my articles on their site and relevant ads are displayed next to them. If someone then uses the links to these ads I make money from them. That's the idea anyway. One site I have signed up with is Members can write articles on a variety of subjects and they publish them on one of their partner sites that the subject is relevant too. For example , , , , and to name just a few. Time will tell if it is an effective way of generating any income or not. I will now have to set about writing some articles for them.
I will also set about penning some short stories and see if I can find an interested party for them.

Google Adsense for Making Money by Writing

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Google adsense
Ok so I have my blog up and running and I have created a Google adsense account and have got some ads organised for my blog as well. So far so good.
Again it was all dead easy to do. Google Adsense works by paying you a fee for the number of clicks your website or blog generates clicks to the ads. The ads themselves will be relevant to your blog's content. It works by crawling your website and finding your keywords - That is words that are mentioned frequently on your site. So, for example, if your site was all about fishing it would pick up a lot of fishing related words and phrases and automatically place fishing related ads on your site. - So perhaps I should stick to referring to making money online from writing before I get the wrong ads on here!!
To set up an adsense account just go to

Can Anyone Make Money From Writing?

Can anyone earn money from writing?
Things to do today...... hmm well starting a blog wasn't at the top of the list, in fact it wasn't even on the list at all. I've always wanted to be a writer and "they" say that it's possible to earn money from writing on the internet these days so I am setting out on a project to find out if "they" are right.Where does one begin? Google it, they say. (there "they" are again).1. Start a blog. So what exactly is a blog? So far as I can see it's dumping your wittering on onto some poor unsuspecting public. But where will these "public" come from? And why would they be interested in my blog? I've so much to learn! Well I've decided to make a real effort over the next three months to make some money out of writing. After three months is up I will either have proved or disproved what "they" say. Anyone can make money from writing. I have elected to go with the positive approach and go forth with the utmost optimism. Of course its possible to earn money from my writing, indeed it will be easy.
Setting up a blog was, in fact, very easy - an idiot could do it - no really! Just go to and set up an account - Don't worry it's free.

I'm going to begin by looking into the possibility of earning cash from associated ads. That is to say, writing articles to be published on websites which run associated ads alongside the articles, paying the author a commission for any sales generated. For example if I write about cats can I help someone somewhere sell cat food?Any other would be writers out there, or even successfull ones for that matter, who can offer any pearls of wisdom on how to improve my chances of making money on the internet from writing please feel free to contact me.

Make Money Writing Online

They say anyone can make money writing online. Is that right? I am on a three month quest to try and find out. You can follow my progress, pick up tips along the way and learn from my mistakes.
What is the truth about making money from blogging? Can you make any money writing articles? Which sites offer the best advice and which are just trying to sell you something? I am a complete beginner setting out on a very steep learning curve. By the end of it I hope to have found the answers and I will share them with you. So come along for the ride and lets make lots of money from writing online.
Any money I make I am donating to a local wildlife rescue centre that I support. To see Vale Wildlife Rescue's website or make a donation, click on their green logo on the right. Please support them - even if it's only £1 or $1 - they have lots of hungry mouths to feed and donations are down due to the economic downturn. Every little will be greatly appreciated. You can donate by paypal so it's really easy. Please give me/my blog a mention via the special instruction box as it would be nice to keep a tally on how much money I am raising. Many Thanks
Meanwhile I will do my utmost to make them some money by writing.